Team | GCI | Profit |
#1078 | $1,743,890 | $610,684 |
#1429 | $1,259,200 | $503,680 |
#1053 | $1,387,650 | $502,996 |
Team | GCI | Profit Margin |
#1098 | $486,777 | 89% |
#1142 | $339,122 | 87% |
#1214 | $616,840 | 76% |
Team | GCI | Profit |
#1078 | $1,743,890 | $610,684 |
#1429 | $1,259,200 | $503,680 |
#1053 | $1,387,650 | $502,996 |
Team | GCI | Profit Margin |
#1098 | $486,777 | 89% |
#1142 | $339,122 | 87% |
#1214 | $616,840 | 76% |
About Us
Tax In-House is an education company that helps real estate agents understand their business financials. There is a story being written in the numbers of your business. Winning agents and teams are more and more often the agents and teams that understand this story and allow it to guide their business decisions. Tax In-House helps agents and teams understand their business financials while providing complementary monthly MREA based P&Ls, 1099 prep/filing, and a corporate tax return.